New to Canada? Here’s how to combat the COVID crisis.
These are uncertain times for us all. The ongoing corona virus pandemic has made daily life challenging as many of us are struggling to adjust with this new normal. While it is important for us to continue to maintain social distancing in order to flatten the curve, this has inadvertently affected our emotional well being and social life, and for most of us our jobs and finances are at stake as well. The difficulty of this situation amplifies if, like me, you also are a new immigrant to Canada and were struggling to find a foothold in the first place.
Speaking from personal experience, having immigrated to Canada last year I started to feel like my life was getting back on a track of normalcy only in early 2020. After working hard to get my permanent resident status, making the big move to a foreign land, and figuring out life and living in Canada, I finally landed the job of my dreams in December 2019. Come mid-March and the onset of the pandemic hit, I felt like someone erased the blackboard where I was chalking out my life’s equation since the past many years. If like me, you too are a new immigrant to Canada and all this uncertainty has left you feeling sad and dejected, I urge you to read on.
Remember, you are not alone; remember, we are not alone. Canada is the land of opportunity and dreams; so many migrants before us are living proof of that. The world will heal and recover, we just need to stay optimistic and focused towards our end goals. Here’s what you can do in the mean time: