I am a sucker for monthly subscription boxes. As regular readers of the blog, you’ll must have been subjected to a number of beauty and food subscription box reviews on these very pages. This is the first time I’ve subscribed to a book subscription box, and decided to review it on the blog. What motivated me you ask? Two words – Harry Potter.
Books n Beyond Box is one of the many book subscription boxes that have popped up in the country, over the past few months. This is not a novel concept abroad however, but shipping costs to India have deterred me from ordering in the past. Book subscription boxes fulfill your monthly quota of book shopping, by sending home a box filled with books and reading related goodies. Most book boxes contain a copy (or two) of the latest bestseller, reading related merchandise (such as bookmarks, book sleeves, notepads etc.), some snacks to nibble on while you read, and other assorted knick knacks.